Modern Life in Year 2015
Modern Life in Year 2015
We are running a rat-race.
I don’t understand “What to achieve?”
Everybody is looking /aiming to buy new Gadgets Smart-phones, Laptops, and other passionate things like Super-bikes Sport-bikes, Cars, Super-cars or a house.
These are a type of basic/common need in modern world.
But my concern is:
Nowadays, I am observing that we are spending more and more time with our personal belongings like Smart-phones, Tabs and Laptops (non-living things) than real people (living things).
In last few year, I am observing many these types of scenes for example.
“Four friends are there on dinning table. Food was served and all are busy in their individual mobiles.”
“Where is the real social life?”
“Parents with their children visited a restaurant and food was served. Parents are enjoying their food but their children are playing games on their so called Smart-phones.”
Even siblings are busy in their personal tabs and phones. The interaction of siblings is reducing day-by-day.
Where is the real social life?
Another incident i witnessed.
“Once i was driving my car on a congested road and one teenage boy was typing something in his mobile and was crossing the road during his typing. I was feeling scared that he will get hurt by my car. So, i increased the speed and my car’s side mirror banged in his hand which had broken his mobile. But thank god, he was safe.
People really forget the real world around them.
Many boys and girls are often found searching their girlfriends and boyfriends over internet. But they are not aware that somebody attracting towards them in their neighbors even.
It is actually creating a psychological problems for individual and society. There are people who live in dreams and don’t know about the real life or they scared to face real. It is a psychological condition.
We are humans, we are social, we can’t live alone in a room only with laptops and mobiles.
We need spiritual, emotional and psychological support and many more supports from real people, not from virtual people.
This behavior is moreover visible in new generation / teenage people.
Parents and senior people need to change their children's habit.
We should not ignore or forget our real life living people, who really matters in our life, like parents, siblings, cousins, colleagues, friends and neighbors.
These are the real people which really matters in our life.
We should spare some time to play with them in any time or age in our life. We should go for shopping with these people and many more activities are their which can be done.
New technological advancements making us more and more lazy but these advancements are saving our time also.
So, this time saving can be invested in our valuable relationships.
I am moreover worried about next 20 years.
What will be our future?
How people will interact with each other or merely robots will run in human skeletons.
Be Real, Be Social, Be a Human than a Virtual Machine.
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